Why You Must Consider Vitamin D Deficiency Seriously

Do you know that nearly 7 out of every 10 Indians suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, despite the fact that India is a tropical country which gets an abundance of sunlight for most part of the year!

According to healthcare experts, India does not lack in Vitamin D resources and yet the number of people suffering from its deficiency is alarmingly high. Are we taking this condition seriously? If yes, we cannot afford it because Vitamin D is important for various functions of the human body. The key role of Vitamin D is in the bone formation process. Lack of Vitamin D can lead to weaker bones.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

Doctors from across the country report that they are seeing an increasing number of patients nowadays with bone related ailments. These are typical symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. These patients generally complain of muscular pain and fatigue. Back pain, joint pain, drowsiness, extreme exhaustion and tiredness can be considered as an affect of lack of Vitamin D in the system.

The active form of Vitamin D is needed by the human body for ensuring smooth absorption of calcium into the gut. This process is vital for making calcium available for bone functions. Vitamin D also plays a key role in many cell formation and neuromuscular processes.

Most people do not realize that Vitamin D deficiency can be serious and affect health in many ways. The deficiency problem must be addressed properly as it can result in conditions like osteoporosis and obesity when not treated on time and properly. Symptoms like fatigue and muscle pain are associated with other types of health problems as well. They are not taken seriously by many but such conditions must not be ignored. The deficiency has many long term implications which can affect health adversely.

Why Pregnant Women Must Be Extra Cautious

There are more reasons for pregnant women to be extra careful who are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. There are high chances that the deficiency and associated symptoms will get passed on to the child in the womb. Pregnant women must make sure that they get their daily dose of Vitamin D regularly right through the term of pregnancy. It is a good idea to give milk to children with their daily breakfast or at bed time as milk contains Vitamin D. There are many sources from where Vitamin D can be obtained. That is why this deficiency on such a large scale among Indians comes as a huge surprise. We can get Vitamin D from many things that Mother Nature has provided us. Some of the richest sources of natural Vitamin D are fish, egg yolk, fish liver oil and of course, sunlight. Medicinal supplements of Vitamin D are also available on prescription or as an over-the-counter product.

Lifestyle to blame?

Wrong eating habits, remaining confined to interiors primarily because of our current lifestyles and poor awareness of the consequences of Vitamin D deficiency are all contributory factors to the condition of the current generation. They shy away from sunlight and like to remain indoors with their various gadgets. Even when they travel, they prefer using air-conditioned vehicles so that their skin is not affected by the harsh sun rays.

Just 15 to 30 minutes of exposure to the sun’s rays between 10 am to 3 pm and that too for just twice a week can cause sufficient synthesis of Vitamin D in our body. However, make sure you do not use any type of sunscreens. It is a simple solution to a problem that many people do not seem to take seriously.


Content Reviewed by – Asian Hospital Medical Editors

