Diabetes mellitus is a silent killer. Type 2 diabetes indicates that though the body is producing some quantum of insulin via the pancreas; but it is either inadequate, or else the body’s cells might be hostile to it. This resistance prevents the blood sugar from being broken down leading to many complications, and very low energy levels. Ideally, you should try and prevent the onset of diabetes type 2, especially if you have a family history of diabetes. If both parents suffered from diabetes, then you are in the high risk category, and need to be doubly careful.
Many doctors and nutritionists believe that modifications in lifestyle can reverse type 2 diabetes. The findings of 28 different studies were evaluated by Harvard University researchers to reinforce the proposition. Keep in mind that the key to managing diabetes is to exercise daily, eat nutritive food which is low in carbohydrates, and take medicines in a timely fashion, in the right dosage. Keep your sugar intake low to ensure that there are no sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
Choose foods that have a low glycemic index. Portion control is as important as staying well hydrated. Ensure plenty of natural fibers found in green leafy vegetables. Avoid processed food as far as practicable. Don’t wait for diabetes to strike. Rather, you should get proactive to try and prevent its occurrence by controlling stress, and staying calm normally.
There are numerous minerals which help in maintaining the balance in blood sugar. Chief among them are magnesium and chromium. Magnesium is a vital co-factor of the enzyme reactions required to convert carbohydrates to energy, and balance blood sugar levels. It is found naturally in food which might be added to your normal diet. These include tofu; legumes such as beans and peas; vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, brussels sprouts, artichokes; fruits like bananas, figs, strawberries, and avocados; seafood like salmon and mackerel; dark chocolate; nuts and seeds; and greens like spinach and kale. However, you should go off, or at least go easy on processed food, sugar, and alcohol.
Chromium is a trace element which improves insulin sensitivity, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. It is found naturally in whole grains, potatoes, broccoli, green beans, apples, bananas, grape juice, beef, poultry, and diary products including milk. However, too much of a good thing might prove counterproductive.
Coffee is a part of the daily menu of many people. Without realizing it, you could be protecting yourself from the onset of diabetes. Whether you drink regular coffee, or the decaffeinated variety; the antioxidants like polyphenols and chlorogenic acid in it help regulate the insulin. Though previous studies indicated that the caffeine in the coffee you drink could be helping in warding off diabetes type 2; newer research indicates otherwise. This research pointed to drinking decaffeinated coffee reducing diabetes risk by seven percent, whereas drinking regular coffee reduced diabetes risk by four percent.
Just don’t make your daily cups of coffee sweet as sin as those spikes in blood sugar can be quite dangerous, especially for people who are pre-diabetics. Cutting down on refined sugar is as important as cutting down on refined flours. Lattes, that is very milky coffees, and lacing coffee drinks with syrups would be problematic for those who are pre-diabetic, or at risk due to obesity or genetic factors.
In a study carried out on mice, researchers in Denmark have identified a bioactive compound called cafestol in coffee, which not only improved insulin sensitivity, but also reduced fasting sugar levels by increasing insulin production. Few people realize it, but coffee also contains magnesium and chromium in the right proportions which aid insulin production in conjunction with the polyphenols in it. Another study indicated that, how much coffee is right for you depends on your body type, and any comorbidities you might have. Obviously, it would be dangerous to recommend four cups of coffee for someone suffering from high blood pressure or tachycardia (fast heartbeats), as caffeine is a stimulant.
There doesn’t seem to be any clear cut answers to that question yet. The Harvard study indicated that drinking six cups of coffee daily was most beneficial. However, a study in Finland indicated that only those who drank at least ten cups of coffee warded off diabetes type 2. The non-drinkers and those who drank fewer cups of coffee had similar results in their susceptibility. The bottom line seems to be that if you don’t habitually drink coffee; there isn’t a strong enough argument to justify your beginning now as you can get a reasonable amount of caffeine from tea too, as long as you don’t drench it in cream or milk, or make it oversweet.