Winter can be really tough for new born babies as they are extremely susceptible to infection, cold and other diseases. Exposing babies to the extreme climate might not be a good idea but at the same time, doctors recommend that both the baby and mother need fresh air. The best way to deal with the situation is to look for the right time to take the baby out. Wait for the climate to improve. Also, being outdoors can help babies get acclimatized to the winter season.
It is important to note that unlike adul ts, infants can lose body heat faster and hence they are unable to cope with the dropping level of mercury. They do not have the inherent body fat to fight the cold. They cannot shiver like grownups to increase body heat. The only way that you can provide them protection is to wrap them up in warm clothes.
The problem with this method is that mothers tend to be over-protective. They wrap the baby in endless layers of clothes without realizing that the excess layers can do more harm than good. Also, moms must ensure that only breathable fabrics like cotton and muslin are used for the purpose. Some layers can be taken off at intervals to allow the baby to breathe normally.
When its freezing cold outside and your baby is under wraps, it is necessary to check the baby regularly for any signs of discomfort. Babies show signs of fussiness and their facial skin may turn red if the body is overheated. At the same time, teary eyes may be an indication that the skin is still cold and the baby could do with an additional layer or two of protection.
Winter season is bad for grownups and even worse for babies as their under-developed immune system increases their health risks. With the presence of germs and bacteria proliferating in winter, there is an increased chance that your infant might catch a cold, a bacterial infection or a viral fever. The small one’s body needs every bit of protection that you can provide. You can build the baby’s immunity easily through the best food supplement that has all the vitamins, minerals and nutrition that the tender body of the baby needs – through breast milk.
It is a good idea to get the baby vaccinated to provide protection from winter-specific diseases. Is the baby too young for a vaccination? Consult your pediatrician. They might suggest ways of passing antibodies to the infant through breast milk.
Keeping the baby clean is an important aspect of providing protection from infections. Babies have the tendency to put their fingers in the nose and mouth. They can easily get infected from their digits – and yours too. Clean hands at regular intervals in warm water and also make sure they are dried thoroughly immediately as germs can get transferred from wet hands easily. Make use of a reliable brand of hand sanitizer.
Bathe the baby in water that’s comfortably warm for their skin. 100 degree Fahrenheit is the right temperature. Also, make sure that the baby time in the tub is limited as too much exposure of the skin to warm water can result in loss of the natural protective oils present in the skin. It can hasten the dehydration process.
Finally, choose a moisturizer that’s best suited for the delicate skin of the baby. Choose a brand that has been developed especially for babies. Make sure you consult your family physician if you are not sure of how to deal with winter related problems that might affect your baby’s health.