Protect Your Eyes from Screen Stress

One of the primary things Covid-19 has taught us is “How to take care of ourselves!” Germs, bacteria, and viruses are not the only things we fight. In the wake of a technologically advanced world, there are habitual problems that we fight daily – like being glued to our phone or laptop for long hours. It is just a bad habit or does it have deeper medical implications?

Multiple Problems of Digital Eye Strain

According to a Times of India report*, published on 23 February 2020, 60 million people in India are suffering from Computer vision syndrome. Medical science shows how long exposure to screens can cause a variety of clinical conditions like migraine, spondylitis, short-span disorder, last but one of the most important, digital eye strain or poor-vision from screen stress.

Screen-Time Eye Damage Symptoms

Almost 50% -90% of the modern working populace suffers from screen-time eye damage. If you experience sore eyes, dryness & redness, poor or blurred vision, spots, and headache, then yes you too need to protect your eyes from screen stress

Listed below are seven simple steps that help prevent eye damage:

  1. Use of proper light

Have proper ambient light while reading, working, watching movies on screen. Use low-intensity bulbs/tubes and keep the light source behind you. Avoid working in harsh sunlight.


  1. Adjust computer display/phone settings

Decrease the blue light configuration of LED and adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature, night vision to experience a soother, strain-free watch-time.


  1. Give your eyes rest

Moisten eyes regularly, use an eye-drop and get proper sleep. Avoid using the phone at least for an hour pre/post-bedtime.


  1. Glasses over the contact lens

Working long hours on your laptop? Wear glasses instead of a contact lens. It helps keep the eyes moist.


  1. Eye exercises

Relax eye muscles by looking in at a distant object for 20 secs. This exercise reduces eye fatigue. Do it every 20 mins.


  1. Improve diet

Eat what is healthy for your eyes, like fish, nuts and legumes rich in omega 3 fatty acids & citrus fruits.


  1. Get Eye check-up

Get your eyes checked once every six months to understand eye issues related to screen time damage.

Prolonged Smart Phone Time? Not Good for Your Eyes!

Smartphone addiction has become one of the crucial reasons for eye damage.  People spend about one-third their waking hours on smartphones. Leading surveys and studies highlight the importance of a balanced and disciplined lifestyle to avoid developing such conditions as screen-time eye damage.

While it all starts slow and un-impactful, in certain cases it leads to behavioral dysfunction at a later stage.

Give your eyes & mind some comfort, amend your habits while there is still time.

To know more about eye problems consult our experts at the Asian Institute of Medical Sciences.
