Home Remedies to Treat Foot Corns

Hardened layers of skin developing on foot may make your every step painful. Don’t worry! They are foot corns and are easily curable. Foot corns develop if one wears shoes that are too tight or due to constant friction with the surface if a person stands for a long time. One can experience foot corns on the below-mentioned areas of the feet:

  • Between toes
  • Below toenail bed
  • On the bottom of the feet
  • On the sides of the feet

Symptoms of Foot Corn

Symptoms of foot corn are obvious and easy to recognize. Some of the signs of foot corns are mentioned below:

  • Skin that is sensitive to touch
  • Having pain while wearing shoes
  • Tough, rough, yellowing patch of bumpy or lumpy skin

How to Treat Foot Corns?

Soak Feet in Warm Water

As per experts, soaking feet in warm water softens them. Hence, to treat foot corns at home, one can submerge corns fully in warm water for around 10 minutes or till the skin softens. Post this procedure, it will get to remove corns by rubbing them.

Apply Lotion on Corn

Using a cream with salicylic acid or moisturizing lotion can also be helpful to treat foot corns. Salicylic acid possesses the power to dissolve keratin protein that causes the corn and surrounding dead skin. However, a diabetic person, or the one having poor blood circulation or frail skin should not use salicylic acid cream or must use it post consulting a dermatologist.

Use Corn Pads

You can also apply a pad on the affected area to restrict the foot corn and treat it. However, remember that these medicated pads may contain salicylic acid which may irritate skin and cause infection, especially if one is suffering from the conditions mentioned previously.

Rub It Off

Skin of the foot corn gets softer after taking a bath, and it is the right time to rub the affected area with a pumice stone, emery board, nail file or washcloth to remove the layer of tough skin. Make sure not to use a sharp object to trim the skin and avoid using pumice stone if you are suffering from diabetes. Furthermore, don’t clear too much skin as it can cause bleeding or infection.

Restrict Foot Corns

Wear Comfortable Socks and Shoes

Not wearing the right size or right shaped shoes and wearing low-quality socks may cause foot corn. Hence, wear shoes that are slightly loose and opt for high-quality socks to eliminate the chances of developing a foot corn.

Keep Toenails Trimmed

Long toenails can keep pushing up against the shoes and foot corn may develop as a result. It is best to trim toenails often to relieve this pressure and avoid foot corn.

One should always consult a doctor before opting for home treatment for foot corns if suffering from peripheral arterial disease or diabetes; or has very delicate skin. A person must see a doctor if there is pus or drainage, worsening pain, redness or swelling in the foot corns.

Content Reviewed by – Asian Hospital Medical Editors