Women are usually trained to think of others before self. While this selflessness might serve families well; it tends to be counterproductive as far as women’s health is concerned. A certain measure of calculated neglect might aid robustness as it allows the body to fight off bacteria and other microbes invading your body. There is no need to turn hypochondriac and imagine every sniffle might herald bird flu, or something similar, but you should be alert to any indication that all is not well with your body.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Timely action can make the difference between a normal healthy life, and spending a fortune on treatment, or even death, However, you need to understand the difference as to when a cough is simply due to allergens in the threshing season, and when it indicates a more serious underlying condition like pneumonia, TB, or even lung cancer which requires expert attention. If a cough refuses to go away, you are getting very weak or losing weight rapidly, you are coughing up blood; see a doctor immediately. There are many ailments which need not escalate if they are identified early, and corrective action is taken.
Frequent Urination Could Indicate More Than One Adverse Health Condition
In a family where many people are diabetics, you might want to check with a doctor if you find you are urinating too frequently, and literally losing sleep for it. If you need to make frequent trips to the washroom, it could be due to bladder stones; urinary tract infection; an issue with the urethral sphincter muscles which prevents complete voiding; or kidney damage, even kidney cancer. The kidney damage might have arisen from diabetes, especially if you keep feeling thirsty. So, you should consult a doctor if any distress continues beyond a week, including increased urination. It could indicate a hormonal imbalance or some damage to the vaginal microflora. While your doctor might screen you for elevated levels of blood sugar to rule out diabetes mellitus; she might request you to make a record of how many times you need to urinate, the urine’s quantum, smell, color, and density to check for other issues before ordering lab tests.
You need to worry if: If there is bleeding and/or burning during micturition; loss of bladder control leading to constant or occasional leaking; difficulty in urination; or you need to urinate more than six times a day without taking any natural or medicinal diuretic; then there is a cause for worry. Consult your family doctor, who might refer you to a urologist or an endocrinologist in accordance with findings.
A Headache Which Haunts You …
If you suffer from headaches regularly without being able to simply sleep it off, it might indicate anything from heightened blood pressure, cervical spondylitis, damage to eyesight, to tumors in the brain, head, or neck. There might be blockages in the sinuses. You need to be worried if the headache is associated with severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and inability to walk. Consult your family doctor first in case these headaches are symptoms of some viral illness. If they are stress headaches, your doctor might initially advise lifestyle modifications including exercise regimen or a spot of yoga with breathing exercises, changes in diet, and sleep timings to de-stress before medicating. However, you might be given some tablets for symptomatic relief for a few days while waiting for the lifestyle modifications to take effect. Subsequently, you might be advised to undergo several tests like x-rays, CT scan, MRI, etc. to identify underlying causes.
Discounting Distresses as Just One of Those Feminine Things Could Prove Costly
Women tend to ignore heavy bleeding during periods as just one of those womanly things, as something that is hereditary or simply your body adapting to changes in the weather. Don’t neglect it since menorrhagia could indicate any of several things from the onset of endometritis to uterine myoma to thyroid dysfunction. If accompanied by severe cramps and/or clotting, it means your body is sending you warning signals. If there is bleeding and/or pain during intercourse, it certainly indicates grievous health issues. It is vital that you consult a gynecologist if your periods are irregular (dysmenorrhea), or last more than a week.
Post-menopausal bleeding is a matter of serious concern: If you experience vaginal bleeding even after menopause, rush to a gynecologist. After a preliminary exam, she might refer you to an oncologist. There might be fibroid growths developing in the uterus, ovarian tumors, or even the onset of cervical cancer.
Approaching a Zero Figure Without Working Towards It
Sudden weight loss is always a matter of concern. Unless you have planned serious weight loss, are exercising towards it; have recently taken up some high activity sport, or have taken up a new diet plan; take any major weight loss over a period of three to six months seriously. Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), depression, diabetes 2, Addison’s disease, dementia, and cancer are some of the reasons why you might be losing weight suddenly.
Changes in excreta: Closely allied to weight loss is the irritable bowel syndrome, and other ailments like pancreatic cancer, Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which change the kind of bowel movements you experience normally. Changes in normal excretions in terms of consistency, frequency, color, and smell should send you scurrying to the gastroenterologist.
Unexplained weight gain needs to be monitored: Hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome are some of the reasons why you might be gaining weight despite a careful regimen of healthy diet and exercise.
Changes in the Breast
You should begin regular self-breast examination after age 20 to recognize any changes occurring in either breast or in both of them. Watch out for symptoms like nipple discharge when you are not lactating; unusual tenderness or pain in the breast; changes in the skin of the breast or nipple, especially if there is dimpling; lump or thickening in or near the breast, or in the underarm area.
Takeaway: Be alert, and get a wellness exam done annually for your doctor to track your normal health status to identify any adversity early.