Breast Cancer: A Journey From Cancer To Cure

Breast cancer forms in breast cells. It’s one of the most common cancer diagnosed in women after skin cancer.
Breast cancer can happen to men too, but its risks are more significant in women. Due to the continuous funding, research, and awareness about this form of cancer, the survival rate has improved. But much more work is needed in India to eradicate this problem or to minimize the consequences. Early treatment and a better understanding of this disease are essential in decreasing this cancer’s risks and outcomes.

Types of Breast Cancer:

  • Angiosarcoma
  • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Invasive lobular carcinoma
  • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
  • Male breast cancer
  • Paget’s disease of the breast
  • Recurrent breast cancer


some common symptoms of breast cancer are:

  • size, shape, or appearance change of the breast.
  • Inverted nipple
  • skin change of the breast (dimpling)
  • lump formation in the breast
  • Redness of the skin.

If you find a lump and size change in your breast, you must hastily go to your doctor.


When breast cells multiply rapidly and form a cluster or a lump in your breast, it leads to this condition. Breast cancer often develops in the milk-producing glands; Breast cancer can also occur in lobules and any other breast cells. Researchers have examined that changes in hormones or lifestyle can be a cause of this condition. Also, environmental changes play a role in this too. But it’s not yet clear why people with no risk factors have this disease, but people with high-risk factors never do. It may be caused by an interaction between the genetic mapping and the environment. Doctors have evaluated that 5 in 10 women get breast cancer from inherited genetic mutations. Breast cancer genes (BRCA1, BRCA2) significantly increase the risk of ovarian and breast cancer. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you must not take chances with your health and regularly go for an evaluation if you feel even the slightest changes in your breasts.


Factors that may signify the chances of you having breast cancer:

  • Female body
  • Elderly age
  • Genetic History
  • Exposure to radiations
  • Obesity
  • Period beginning before 12
  • Alcohol
  • Starting of Menopause at an older age
  • Never having a baby
  • Being pregnant at an old age
  • Hormone Therapy



Small changes in your daily life can reduce your risks of getting breast cancer:

  • Becoming familiar with your breasts and regular checks for lumps and size or skin changes.
  • Exercising daily and live a healthy and balanced life.
  • Healthy diets are also essential for proper health and reducing any chances.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Having alcohol in moderation ( occasionally), Not only for this condition but your own regular life, excess alcohol consumption is injurious.
  • Choosing to live in a clean, pollution-free, and healthy environment.
  • Limiting hormone therapy, check with your doctor on the benefit or risks of the combined postmenopausal hormone therapy, as it can risk breast cancer in women. Use a low dose and shortest hormonal treatment anytime you happen to take this therapy.



Opting for preventive surgery to remove the breasts or ovaries( ovarian cancer) in case of failure of any other treatment is better to remove any risk of cancer.

LUPECTOMY: This surgical operation is performed when the cell lump is smaller in size and easy to remove without complications. only a small part of the breast is removed.
MASTECTOMY: Removal of an entire breast is done by this surgical process. This surgery depends on the condition and size of the tumor in the breast, nipple, or breast skin, which may be prevented in this surgery.

Content Reviewed by – Asian Hospital Medical Editors