4 Kidney Diseases and How to Avoid Them?

Kidneys are two fist-sized and bean-shaped organs located below our rib cage, on each side of the spine.

Kidneys are a crucial part of the urinary system in mammals that helps filter out waste and toxins from the blood, purify it for recirculation, and remove the waste material through urine.

Any damage or disease to the kidneys will reduce the body’s ability to filter blood and eliminate toxins effectively. If this is untreated, the toxic build-up can damage the kidney, poison the blood and lead to other complications. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the functioning of the other kidney, a Nephrologist will recommend a kidney transplant to save the person’s life.

Kidney diseases or renal diseases should not be overlooked at any cost. They must be treated as soon as identified. But, avoiding kidney diseases altogether does more good for everyone!

Risk-Level of Kidney Diseases

While kidney function is bound to decline with age, there are people with underlying health conditions that are at an increased risk of kidney diseases. People with;

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • History of Kidney Disease in family
  • Are at an increased risk of developing renal diseases.

    That said, let us see the 4 major kidney diseases that can be avoided for a long, fulfilling life.

    Kidney Stones – Kidney stones are perhaps the most common type of renal diseases. Kidney stones are formed when the minerals like calcium in our blood crystallize in the kidneys to form a solid mass. This solid mass is called kidney-stone and is passed via the urinary tract. However, passing larger stones during urination can be extremely painful and may require surgical assistance for the patient to ease the pain, and remove the stones.

    How to avoid Kidney stones?

    • Cut-down salt from your diet
    • Avoid fizzy/soda-based drinks
    • Drink as much water as you can during the day
    • Take Vitamin-rich foods
    • Polycystic Kidney Disease

    Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic kidney disease that causes numerous fluid-filled sacs (called cysts) to grow in the kidneys.

    These cysts interfere with regular kidney function and cause kidney failure in the long-term. However, one must note that individual kidney cysts are common and usually harmless. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a different, more serious renal disease.

    How to avoid PKD?

    • Maintain a healthy blood sugar level
    • Maintain optimum BMI
    • Take a low salt and low-fat diet
    • Keep a healthy blood pressure
    • Avoid Smoking & Alcohol
    • Chronic Kidney Disease

    Your kidneys contain millions of Glomeruli, tiny vessels that purify the blood. Chronic Kidney Disease is a condition where these glomeruli are damaged due to some underlying reason. Usually, Chronic Kidney Disease stems from high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

    High BP and sugar put too much stress on the glomeruli function, and damage them over time. They might become damaged to such an extent that the kidneys’ function begins to decline. It might fail partially or fully.

    Depending upon the extent of damage, the Nephrologist will recommend Dialysis (an artificial process to purify the blood when kidneys fail) or a kidney transplant.

    How to avoid Chronic Kidney Disease?

    • Keep your blood-sugar within control
    • Maintain a healthy blood pressure
    • Take Vitamin-rich diet
    • Exercise regularly
    • Drink plenty of water
    • Urinary Tract Infections

    Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs are infections that can affect any part of the urinary system (kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra).

    UTIs are usually caused by bacteria and are a common occurrence. However, if you happened to catch UTI seasonally or often, you must consult a Nephrologist from AIMS. Urinary Tract infections are easily treated with an antibiotic course and a healthy diet. Though, if left untreated, they can spread to the kidney and lead to declined function, even failure.

    How to avoid UTIs?

    • Maintain hygiene at home and while travelling
    • Drink plenty of fluid
    • Drink fruit juices regularly

    Consult the Kidney Specialists at AIMS

    The kidneys are a vital pair of body organs. Without at least one healthy kidney, survival is impossible. If you’ve been diagnosed with renal disease or are looking for a checkup, contact the Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, the leading centre of medical excellence in Nephrology.

    Our expert panel will look after your case with the utmost integrity and recommend you the best course of treatment.

    Health and happiness to you 🙂

    Content Reviewed by – Asian Hospital Medical Editors

